Martin O`Malley on Principles & Values
Don't give up our freedoms for a promise of security
We should never give up our privacy or our freedoms in exchange for a promise of security. We need to figure this out together. We need to speak to what unites us as a people; freedom of worship, freedom of religion, freedom of expression.
We should never be convinced to give up those freedoms in exchange for a promise of greater security; especially from someone as untried and as incompetent as Donald Trump.
Source: 2015 ABC/WMUR Democratic primary debate in N.H.
, Dec 19, 2015
Democrats don't denigrate women or immigrants or Muslims
What you heard tonight was a very different debate than from the sort of debate you heard from the two presidential Republican debates. You didn't hear anyone denigrate women, you didn't hear anyone make racist comments about new
American immigrants, you didn't hear anyone speak ill of another American because of their religious belief. What you heard instead was an honest search for the answers that will move our country forward.
Source: 2015 CNN Democratic primary debate in Las Vegas
, Oct 13, 2015
Look at my actions as governor, not my approval rating
Q: In a poll done back in October 2014, the people of Maryland were asked would Martin O'Malley make a good president. 70 percent said no. O'MALLEY: Well, we had just come off a very contentious campaign there.
And I think the truly important thing is my record of accomplishments in Maryland; five years in a row creating the number one public schools in the country, reducing violent crime to 35-year lows.
I believe that what people want, especially in 2016, is someone with proven executive experience, the ability to get things done and be honest with people. I think laying out the choices that we have to make as a
free people to build a good economy for our kids, is more important than putting my finger in the wind and looking for popularity.
Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Mar 29, 2015
History celebrates courage, not triangulation
Martin O'Malley took a veiled shot at Hillary Clinton in a speech criticizing the politics of "triangulation" that have historically been associated with the Clintons: "The most fundamental power of our party and our country is the power of our
moral principles," O'Malley said.In words that echoed those of Senator Barack Obama when he battled Clinton in 2007 for the Democratic nomination, O'Malley added: "Triangulation is not a strategy that will move America forward.
History celebrates profiles in courage, not profiles in convenience."
The politics of triangulation is a phrase often used to describe former President Bill Clinton's brand of centrism. It has also been used to criticize Hillary
Clinton as overly poll driven, and liberals have long used it as a cudgel. In a pivotal Democratic primary speech in November 2007 in Iowa, Obama deployed "triangulation" as an attack line against Mrs. Clinton.
Source: N. Y. Times 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Mar 1, 2015
Fundraising via O'Say Can You See PAC
Even O'Malley supporters acknowledge that he has hurdles when it comes to name identification and fundraising. O'Malley has tried to increase his national presence, speaking at Democratic Party events like the California Democratic State Convention,
New Hampshire Jefferson Jackson Dinner and to the Wisconsin Democratic Party and Clark County (Nevada) Democratic Party.O'Malley's O'Say Can You See PAC had nearly $298,000 in its coffers at the end of March, according to a
Federal Election Commission filing. His camp says the total was low because O'Malley didn't fundraise during the Maryland legislative session.
O'Malley has shown some fundraising chops--he was a member of President Barack Obama's National Finance Committee for his 2012 campaign and bundled $500,000.
Source: Politico.com 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, May 14, 2014
American dream requires modern investments in middle class
There is a powerful truth at the heart of the American dream: The stronger we make our country, the more she gives back to us, to our children and grandchildren. Our parents and grandparents understood this truth deeply.
They believed--as we do--that to create jobs, a modern economy requires modern investments: educating, innovating and rebuilding for our children's future. Building an economy to last, from the middle class up, not from the billionaires down.
Source: 2012 Democratic National Convention speech
, Sep 4, 2012
Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism.
O`Malley adopted the manifesto, "A New Politics for a New America":
As New Democrats, we believe in a Third Way that rejects the old left-right debate and affirms America’s basic bargain: opportunity for all, responsibility from all, and community of all.
We believe:- that government’s proper role in the New Economy is to equip working Americans with new tools for economic success and security.
- in expanding trade and investment because we must be a party of economic progress, not economic reaction.
- that fiscal discipline is fundamental to sustained economic growth as well as responsible government.
- that a progressive tax system is the only fair way to pay for government.
- the Democratic Party’s mission is to expand opportunity, not government.
- that education must be America’s great equalizer, and we will not abandon our public schools or tolerate their failure.
- that all Americans must have access to health insurance.
- in preventing crime and punishing criminals.
- in a new social compact that requires and
rewards work in exchange for public assistance and that ensures that no family with a full-time worker will live in poverty.
- that public policies should reinforce marriage, promote family, demand parental responsibility, and discourage out-of-wedlock births.
- in enhancing the role that civic entrepreneurs, voluntary groups, and religious institutions play in tackling America’s social ills.
- in strengthening environmental protection by giving communities the flexibility to tackle new challenges that cannot be solved with top-down mandates.
- government must combat discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender, or sexual orientation; defend civil liberties; and stay out of our private lives.
- that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- in progressive internationalism -- the bold exercise of US leadership to foster peace, prosperity, and democracy.
- that the US must maintain a strong, technologically superior defense to protect our interests and values.
Source: The Hyde Park Declaration 00-DLC0 on Aug 1, 2000
Page last updated: Aug 18, 2016